Housing – work in progress
This is a summary of a series of posts on housing from my site dontlooknow.org . When I have the energy and time I will rework these posts.
Personal remaining carbon budget: 64 tonnes CO2e
There is an important consideration that should be a precursor to this series: A representative remaining carbon budget. My judgement is that if humans emit more than 64 tonnes of greenhouse gasses each – measured as carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e), horrid things will happen.
This is a moral judgement informed by science as explained here. and estimated in #1 of Topics for Enhanced Town Planning.
This post is as an index to previous work and may be of more interest to me than others. The heading of each “Part” is a link to the original article.
Part 1: embodied carbon and climate
- UK greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are not falling much.
- Ignore BEIS
- Believe DEFRA
- The GHG emissions in building a new house are 80+ tonnes CO2e – a very large part of our personal remaining carbon budget.
Part 2: Food and the remaining carbon budget
- Current diets and food production are a large part of our remaining carbon budget.
- Livestock causes very large GHG emissions.
Part 3: Carbon budgets and transport
- The UK government departments’ BEIS and DEFRA count GHG emissions differently.
- BEIS does not count emissions from imports, sea and air travel.
- Air travel causes very large emissions of GHGs.
- Cars cause very large emissions of GHGs.
- Manufacturing cars causes large GHG emissions.
- Making electric cars causes more.
- Air freight causes GHG emissions that are (by weight):
- 6.8 times worse than road.
- 57 times worse than sea.
- 68 times worse than rail.
Part 4: We are not short of land
- Very little land is built on:
- More than half of the land area is farmland (fields, orchards etc).
- Just over a third is natural (moors, heathland, natural grassland etc).
- Under 6% is built on (roads, buildings, airports, quarries etc).
- Green urban is 2.5% (parks, gardens, golf courses, sports pitches etc).
- The London region is 10+ times denser than other UK regions.
- There is plenty of room for housing but a shortage of planning permission.
- NIMBYs and the countryside lobby restrict planning permissions.
- Affluent homeowners benefit from planning restrictions but the poor pay higher rents.
- Cheap housing could crash the banks.
Part 5: Construction and prefabrication
- Construction is a fraction of the cost of a house.
- Modern prefabs can be cheap with low carbon emissions
- Old fashioned prefabs:
- People liked prefabs.
- Multistorey mass housing failed.
- The planners didn’t notice.
- They will get it wrong again.
- A target construction cost for starter homes could be £30,000
Housing – part 6: Pollution in the countryside
We pollute the countryside:
- Soil fertility is falling rapidly
- Insects are disappearing
- Nitrate pollution from
- Farms
- Golf courses
- Housing can be less polluting than farming
- Better forms of food production are possible
Part 7: Pollution in towns
- In the old days coal pollution killed
- Now traffic pollution kills
- Buses could be better
- Traffic pollution also kills the oceans
Part 8: Density and disease
- Cities generate economic growth through networks of proximity
- Population density is not a simple driver of disease
- There are public health solutions
- There is a antibiotics resistance crisis
- A struggle to keep vaccines up-to-date
- Watch out for bio-terrorism
Part 9: Greenbelts
- City parks very, very good. Green belts OK
- Green belts are cherished by the countryside lobby
- Greenbelts increase house prices
- It’s the view
- Greenbelts policy is a ‘Green Noose’
- Greening the greenbelt
- We should use more labour in food production
Part 10: A reprise
- A review of parts 1 to 9
Part 11: No cars in the city
- Mass car ownership cannot be sustainable or fair
- Exceeding a personal remaining carbon budgets is immoral
- Personal carbon budget is 100 tonnes CO2e per person
- Motorists exceed this budget with emissions from tmotoring
- Cars have taken over large areas of towns and cities
- The spatial dominence of cars
- confines pedestrians
- prevents informal social contacts
- stops children playing
- EC study says car free cities cost two to five times more
Part 12: Friends, neighbours & architectural determinism
- Brutalist housing disasters
- Architectural determinism
- Oscar Newman and Defensible Space
- A Pleasant Victorian Terraced Street
- Newman said design something 5% better
- Leon Festinger and friendship patterns
- Edward T Hall and personal space
- Who wants friends and neighbours?
- Some depend on neighbours
- Some aren’t bothered about neighbours
- Eileen Gray’s house hid her from neighbours
- Some want to avoid ‘Neighbours from hell’
- Designing for neighbourliness and security
Part 13: No more high buildings
- Embodied carbon in high buildings
- So what about tall wooden buildings?
- Height means complications
- A house is a machine for living in
- Bespoke and limited design effort
- A plane is a machine for flying in
- Repeatable with very large design effort
- Demolish existing tower blocks?
- Building densely needn’t mean building tall
- High buildings: higher energy use
Part 14: Look, Learn And Improve
- Computer algorithms to synthesise architectural form
- Archigram expanded minds
- Too theoretical, too glossy
Part 15: Five planning policies
- Defensible space
- Mixed income housing
- Tower blocks and roads
- Christopher Alexander’s A city is not a tree
- Alexander on Abercrombie
- Traffic trend planning
Part 16: Cheap, neighbourly and doesn’t screw the world up
- Issue 1. No high buildings
- Issue 2. No cars in housing
- Issue 3: Restrictive planning and greenbelts
- Issue 4. Prefabrication and conventional housing
- Issue 5: Food production and local employment
- Estates of car-free, wooden prefabs with integrated market gardens
- A new Ministry of Works … & starter homes for £20,000
Part 17: New economies for new estates
- Car-free estates of prefabs
- Improve on old prefab design with modern crossply timber
- Add market gardens.
- Environmental Capacity Rent
- Parameters for evaluating settlements
- Number of residents
- Density of settlement
- Local cost of living
- % of residents employed locally
- % of food produced locally
- % of goods bought from local retailers
- % of goods made by local residents
- Social class of the residents.
- Weekly travel distances.
- Energy and water use
- Carbon footprints of residents
- Protection of ecosystems
- Happiness of residents
- A measure of neighbourliness
- Labour costs, degrowth and the Robot Revolution
- Creating a market
Part 18: A NEW Ministry of Works
- Changing complex systems: An example.
- Don’tchange it all at once and screw it up
- Why a New Ministry Ministry of Works?
- MOW should take some the responsibilities of other departments
- In restricted geographical locations
- Department of Transport: Alternative personal transport
- Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
- Adaptation to global warming
- Agriculture
- Air quality
- Biodiversity
- Flooding
- Food
- Forestry
- Noise
- Rural development
- Sustainable development
- Waste management
- Water management
- Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
- Building regulations
- Community cohesion
- Decentralisation
- Fire services and community resilience
- Housing
- Planning
- Race equality
- Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
- Business regulation and support
- Climate change policy in the United Kingdom
Company law - Competition
- Corporate governance
- Energy
- Employment relations
- Innovation
- Intellectual property
- Regional and local economic development
- Trade
- Local authorities
- Transparency and publications
- Postscript: Export opportunities
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