Tips on climate, planning and economy
posted by Geoff on 7th Jan 2023
- #1: Don’t plan “affordable housing” with car parking
- #2: Cars take too much space
- #3: House of Commons: Cars kill the planet
- #4: Greenbelts screw the poor
- #5: Reduce industrial agriculture
- #6: Planners: Your plans enrich the affluent
- #7: Don’t trust UK government on climate
- #8: Create visions of low carbon living
- #9: Planners should map wealth & inequality
- #10: Encourage neighbourliness
- #11: Greenhouse gas emissions by neighbourhood
- #12: National Planning Policy Framework
- #13: New settlements are best car free
- #14: Wealth increases greenhouse gas emissions
- #15: A new motorist into a town creates large emissions
- #16: Greenbelts reward the rich and affluent
- #17: Just say no to demolition
- #18: Ignore UK Business Department “lie”
- #19: SCATTER data ignores many emissions
- #20: Campaign on emissions
- #21: High emissions violate planning policy
- #22: Tell us about planning gain
- #23: Reduce demolition
- #24: Explain land ownership
- #25: Let them eat cake
- #26: Be more aware of Climate Change
- #27: Again: Be aware of Climate Change
- #28: Don’t bet on electric cars
- #29: Where are residents with the worst greenhouse emissions?
- #30: Be ashamed of what we are doing
- #31: Property Location Rights
- #32: Green belts and the view
- #33: Cheat with parklets
- #34: Pay motorists to give up cars?
- #35: Beware the Gulf Stream weakening
- #36: A better use for brownfield sites
- #37: The public need to know about climate
- #38: Keep telling the public
- #39: Degrowth to save the climate
- #40: Follow the funding
- #41: Watch for El Nino
- #42: E-congestion is still congestion
- #43: Ban meat advertising
- #44: No jobs on a dead planet
- #45: World glaciers are in retreat
- #46: Floods, drought and famine
- #47: Heat risk to food supply
- #48: Give bees a chance
- #49: RTPI projects won’t stop climate destruction.
- #50: A new breed of town planners needed
- #51: Start each day with a minute of silence for the climate dead
- #52: Climate tipping points — too risky to bet against
- #53: Permafrost Melting 70 Years early
- #54: Don’t sneer at cheap tiny homes
- #55: Growth limited by carbon budgets
- #56: Keep a watch on Arctic sea-ice
- #57: Watch for extreme weather events
- #58: Bike is best
- #59: Cargo bikes for local deliveries
- #60: Greenhouse emissions did this
- #61: Subsidise goods that use lots of labour
- #62: Local inequality in greenhouse gas emissions
- #63: Net-zero is a smoke screen
- #64: Perverse language in IPCC SR15 downplays Ocean Heat Content
- #65: Lucky old Sun – and a common myth
- #66: Cars and choice
- #67: The York Local Plan
- #68: Are BEVs better than ICE cars?
- #69: Does GWP*, cheat on climate targets?
- #70: Land value tax could bring a little fairness
- #71: Embodied carbon and climate
- #72: Food and the remaining carbon budget
- #73: Carbon budgets and transport
- #74: We are not short of land
- #75: Construction and prefabrication
- #76: Pollution in the countryside
- #77: Pollution in towns
- #78: Density and disease
- #79: Greenbelts
- #80: Economist Lionel Robbins misunderstood science
- #81: No cars in the city
- #82: Friends, neighbours and architectural determinism
- #83: No more high buildings
- #84: Oscar Newman: Look, learn and improve
- #85: Five planning policies
- #86: Cheap, neighbourly and doesn’t screw the world up
- #87: Needed: Enhanced town planning
- #88: A new Ministry of Works
- #89: Cut methane emissions now
- #90: Cumulative climate damage
- #91: Problems with Garden Cities
- #92: The Paris Agreement and the CCC
- #93: Car-free living
- #94: Starter homes for £20K
- #95: Stop the planning racket
- #96: Needed: Green and pleasant jobs
- #97: Fund Lifestyle R&D by planning gain
- #98: Small scale microwave pyrolysis
- #99: Tax income from planning gain
- #100: Raise VAT rates, subsidise jobs
- #101: Net zero: A good wheeze for the rich
- #102: In 2022, climate tipping points get noticed
- #103: EcoTowns aren’t Eco
- #104: Green belts restrict housing development
- #105: Car free housing for affordable homes
- #106: It’s hard to persuade people with cars to use buses
- #107: Brownfield sites should be nature reserves
- #108: The ONS is wrong on land values
- #109: Listen to the BBC for Government greenwash
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